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Maintaining Good Dental Health at Every Stage of Life is Important

September 8, 2015

woman brushing teeth to maintain good dental health for lifeGood dental health breeds great overall health. Did you know your oral health and overall health are closely linked? When one is suffering, the other usually follows. It’s imperative that you maintain good dental health throughout your life. It can keep you out of the dental chair and instead out enjoying life. It isn’t difficult to maintain good dental health, all it takes is dedication. There are many things you can do at home to keep your oral health operating at maximum efficiency. In addition, our general dentistry services can gives us a clearer picture as to what’s going on in your mouth and how best to improve all aspects of your oral health.

Periodontal Therapy: Protecting Your Health from Gum Disease at Anderson Family Dental

August 4, 2014

164125777Periodontal disease is the leading cause of adult tooth loss in America, affecting nearly half of all adults in the country. Understanding how gum disease affects your smile and the rest of your body is an important part of treating it; at Anderson Family Dental, we help educate our patients about periodontal disease and its treatment in order to promote more effective, long-lasting results. From our office in Colorado Springs, CO, Dr. Erick T. Anderson and Dr. Richard L. Anderson provide patients suffering from advanced gum disease a treatment that has been proven extremely effective: periodontal therapy.

How Does Periodontal Therapy Work?

Plaque is the sticky, colorless substance that accumulates on our teeth throughout the day. As plaque collects along the gum line, the bacteria it contains causes inflammation of the gingival tissue. Over time, deep pockets form between the gum tissue and the teeth, providing bacteria an ideal place to hide and continue causing inflammation. As the body’s immune system fights to eliminate the infection, the connective tissues within the gums deteriorate, as does the bone within the jaw. Eventually, teeth become loose and may even fall out.

With periodontal therapy, the doctors at Anderson Family Dental remove the infected tissue and any bacteria present, halting the progress of the infection. In cases in which the gum tissue has receded significantly, gum grafts may be necessary in order to restore the appearance and function of the gum line. We are always happy to discuss the status of your condition and your proposed treatment plan with you, ensuring that you feel comfortable and fully informed along every step of the way. We are your trusted partners in your journey toward a healthier smile and improved well-being overall.

Schedule Your Periodontal Consultation Today

Have you experienced any of the common symptoms associated with periodontal disease? It’s not too late to seek treatment and drastically reduce your chances of developing the complications listed above. Contact our office in Colorado Springs, CO today to schedule your appointment with Drs. Erick T. Anderson and Richard L. Anderson. We genuinely look forward to helping you treat your periodontal conditions so that you can enjoy the full benefits of a healthy, beautiful smile. Our warm, welcoming practice proudly serves families from throughout Colorado Springs, Stratmoor, Falcon, Black Forest, Fort Carson, and beyond.

Protect Yourself from Future Health Problems with Periodontal Therapy Today

March 20, 2014

Shutterstock Perio HealthWhile it is relatively common knowledge that periodontal disease can cause pain, bleeding and even tooth loss, the majority of Americans are unaware of its more dangerous health implications. At Anderson Family Dental in Colorado Springs, CO, Dr. Richard L. Anderson and Dr. Erick T. Anderson offer comprehensive preventive dentistry and periodontal therapy to keep their patients safe from these lesser known health risks.

Treat Gum Disease Now for a Healthier Future

Gum disease affects far more than your mouth, though this isn’t exactly a well-known fact. When the bacteria that cause periodontal disease travel through the bloodstream, the results can be fatal. Medical science is still working toward new discoveries regarding the mouth-body connection, but already we are aware of numerous diseases related to gum disease. The following are the most common:

  • Cancer of the blood and pancreas
  • Respiratory disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Higher risk of dementia
  • Increased chance of coronary artery disease
  • Heart attack and stroke
  • Gastrointestinal problems

Take Action Against Gum Disease

If you suspect that you or someone in your family may be suffering from periodontal disease, contact our office in Colorado Springs, CO today and schedule your appointment. Early detection and timely gum disease treatment can help you avoid these and other potentially life-threatening illnesses. Drs. Erick and Richard Anderson also welcome patients from nearby communities in Stratmoor, Black Forest, Falcon, Fort Carson and the surrounding areas.