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Why Visit the Dentist in Colorado Springs Every Six Months

July 8, 2016

dentist in colorado springsSome people (mistakenly) believe six month visits to the dentists are unnecessary. What they don’t realize is that preventive care from your dentist in Colorado Springs drastically reduces your risk of developing cavities and gum disease. Don’t skip out on this regular appointment — even if you don’t think you need it. Preventive dental care is vital to solid dental health.


Solving Tooth Pain with the Top Dentist in Colorado Springs

June 25, 2016

Filed under: Preventive Dentistry — Tags: , , , — e_anderson @ 9:00 pm

top dentistAlthough pain is never pleasant, it can be very important. Pain is the body’s way of alerting you that something is wrong. Sometimes relieving pain requires no thought—like when your hand gets too close to a flame and you instinctively pull away. Other times, such as when you experience tooth pain, seeking the advice of a dental professional may be necessary to relieve the pain. Colorado Springs top dentist Dr. Anderson at Anderson Family Dental has helped hundred of patients eliminate their tooth pain. Let’s consider some of the reasons tooth pain happens and what can be done to get rid of the pain.


CEREC in Colorado Springs

June 10, 2016

Filed under: Restorative Dentistry — Tags: , , , , — e_anderson @ 8:55 pm

CERECSometimes you just have to take the good with the bad. Finding out that you need to have a dental crown may not be the news you wanted to hear from Dr. Anderson. However, there is some good news—Anderson Family Dental uses CEREC in Colorado Springs to give patients quality dental restorations in just one visit.


Your Dentist in Colorado Springs Discusses Nutrition and Oral Health

May 30, 2016

dentist in Colorado SpringsJust about everyone knows what not to eat in order to avoid dental problems. Candy, cakes, cookies, soda, potato chips and the like are loaded with sugars and starches that increase the production of acids in your mouth. Eventually, these can erode tooth enamel and lead to cavities. But are there foods that you should be eating to improve your oral health? You bet! Your dentist in Colorado Springs, Dr. Anderson, would like to offer a few suggestions on what to include in your diet, so you and your teeth will be healthy.


Your Dentist in Colorado Springs Wants You to have a Healthy Pregnancy

February 24, 2016

dentistCongratulations! Dr. Erick Anderson and Dr. Richard Anderson and the entire staff at Anderson Family Dental in Colorado Springs, CO, want to wish you and your baby much health and happiness during and, of course, after your pregnancy. To help ensure your oral and general health while you’re pregnant, we’d like to tell you how you can take care of your smile during this very special time in your life and make you aware of some changes you may experience. Your Colorado Springs family dentist wants the best for you and your growing family!

Your Colorado Springs Dentist Wants You to know the Warning Signs of Gum Disease

February 10, 2016

Filed under: Preventive Dentistry,Uncategorized — Tags: , , , — e_anderson @ 3:34 pm

Colorado Springs DentistAt Anderson Family Dental in Colorado Springs, CO, Dr. Erick Anderson and Dr. Richard Anderson depend on you as much as you depend on them. When you’re seated in the dentist’s chair—or even when you’re at home brushing your teeth and flossing—we want you to make us aware of any concerns you have about your oral health. That’s why we place a premium on patient education. With this in mind, the dentists and their team at your Colorado Springs dentist office want you to know the signs and symptoms of gum disease. That way, if you notice any of them, you don’t have to wait until your next regularly scheduled checkup. Call our office, tell one of the staff what’s going on and we’ll schedule an appointment for you. There’s no reason to wait, because if what you’re experiencing is a sign of gum disease, then the sooner we treat, the better off you and your mouth will.