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Your Dentist in Colorado Springs Discusses Nutrition and Oral Health

May 30, 2016

dentist in Colorado SpringsJust about everyone knows what not to eat in order to avoid dental problems. Candy, cakes, cookies, soda, potato chips and the like are loaded with sugars and starches that increase the production of acids in your mouth. Eventually, these can erode tooth enamel and lead to cavities. But are there foods that you should be eating to improve your oral health? You bet! Your dentist in Colorado Springs, Dr. Anderson, would like to offer a few suggestions on what to include in your diet, so you and your teeth will be healthy.


Your Dentist in Colorado Springs Wants You to have a Healthy Pregnancy

February 24, 2016

dentistCongratulations! Dr. Erick Anderson and Dr. Richard Anderson and the entire staff at Anderson Family Dental in Colorado Springs, CO, want to wish you and your baby much health and happiness during and, of course, after your pregnancy. To help ensure your oral and general health while you’re pregnant, we’d like to tell you how you can take care of your smile during this very special time in your life and make you aware of some changes you may experience. Your Colorado Springs family dentist wants the best for you and your growing family!

Your Colorado Springs Dentist Wants You to know the Warning Signs of Gum Disease

February 10, 2016

Filed under: Preventive Dentistry,Uncategorized — Tags: , , , — e_anderson @ 3:34 pm

Colorado Springs DentistAt Anderson Family Dental in Colorado Springs, CO, Dr. Erick Anderson and Dr. Richard Anderson depend on you as much as you depend on them. When you’re seated in the dentist’s chair—or even when you’re at home brushing your teeth and flossing—we want you to make us aware of any concerns you have about your oral health. That’s why we place a premium on patient education. With this in mind, the dentists and their team at your Colorado Springs dentist office want you to know the signs and symptoms of gum disease. That way, if you notice any of them, you don’t have to wait until your next regularly scheduled checkup. Call our office, tell one of the staff what’s going on and we’ll schedule an appointment for you. There’s no reason to wait, because if what you’re experiencing is a sign of gum disease, then the sooner we treat, the better off you and your mouth will.

Colorado Springs Dentists at Anderson Family Dental Want You to Benefit from your Renewed Dental Insurance Benefits

January 20, 2016

Filed under: General Dentistry,Uncategorized — Tags: , — e_anderson @ 3:03 pm

Colorado springs dentistHappy New Year! We wish you and your family a year of good health and happiness. And to help keep your family healthy, Anderson Family Dental wants to remind you that if you have dental insurance, then your benefits renewed this month. So, if there was a dental procedure that you should have had last year but didn’t, then now is the time to call the Colorado Springs top dentist and schedule an appointment.

Sleep Apnea Therapy in Colorado Springs

January 2, 2016

sleep apneaGood morning! It’s wonderful to wake up refreshed and ready for the day after a good night’s sleep. What’s that you say? You can’t remember the last time you slept well. And neither can the person who sleeps one pillow over from you. If your snoring is keeping both of you up at night, then perhaps the problem is more than that disturbing sound. Snoring is a chief symptom of sleep apnea, a health condition that affects more than 12 million Americans. In Colorado Springs, sleep apnea treatment is available at Anderson Family Dental. With either an oral appliance or CPAP machine, Dr. Anderson can help you and your partner once again enjoy a restful night of sleep.

For Sleep Apnea Therapy, Colorado Springs Trusts Dr. Anderson

December 22, 2015

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , — e_anderson @ 4:01 pm

sleep apnea therapy

If you snore or if the person sleeping one pillow over snores, then neither of you may be getting a restful and rejuvenating night of sleep. But you probably already know that. What you may not know is that snoring can be more than just a noisy nuisance. In some cases, snoring is a sign of a much more serious condition called sleep apnea. However, you cannot simply listen to a snorer and know the difference. A proper diagnosis is required. Dr. Anderson and his team at Anderson Family Dental in Colorado Springs diagnose and treat sleep apnea, so you and your partner can sleep well.

For TMJ Therapy, Colorado Springs Turns to Anderson Family Dental

December 15, 2015

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , — e_anderson @ 3:54 pm

TMJ therapy
Are you familiar with the children’s game Simon Sez? Let’s imagine we’re playing that game. Simon sez touch your nose. Simon sez touch your elbow. Simon sez touch your temporomandibular joint (TMJ). If you’re like most people, you just lost our little game. But if you’re familiar with the discomfort of TMJ disorder, or TMD, then you know exactly where your temporomandibular joints are. Place your forefingers just in front of your ears and open your mouth. That movement you feel under your fingers marks where those joints are. For some people, however, just opening and closing their mouth can be painful. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be that way. Dr. Anderson, the TMD dentist Colorado Springs trusts for effective treatment can alleviate the pain and discomfort of TMD.

The Implant Retained Dentures Colorado Springs Patients Prefer

November 3, 2015

senior woman with a beautiful complete smile thanks to the implant retained dentures colorado springs residents rely onTooth loss affects more people in the US than you might think. Nearly 4% of US adults aged 20 to 49 are missing at least one tooth, and 10% of adults 50 to 64 are fully edentulous (no natural teeth). Most replacement options for any number of teeth only replace the part visible above the gum line, the crown, but dental implants replace the entire tooth from the roots up. A recent survey revealed that 90% of edentulous patients in the US chose traditional, removable dentures, but those patients are missing out on the opportunity to combat bone density loss, one of the most detrimental effects of tooth loss. Some patients have previously believed they were not candidates for implant-retained dentures, but innovations in implant technology make it possible for more patients than ever to safely and successfully receive implant-retained dental prosthetics.

The Dentist Colorado Springs Loves Explain the Oral and Whole Body Health Connection

September 28, 2015

couple smiling thanks to the dentist colorado springs lovesEvery year the research connecting poor oral health to decreased overall health grows. This isn’t likely to surprise the British research team who asked people what assumptions they made about people they met who had damaged or cosmetically flawed teeth. The results showed that people with unsightly smiles were considered to be sick, incapable of caring for themselves, of drug addicted. It seems logical for dental researchers to be testing a similar hypothesis: that poor oral health and overall health are connected. At Anderson Family Dental, the dentist Colorado Springs residents prefer, our team is proud to offer patients more than just dental care to prevent damage or restore oral health. We provide patients with education to fully understand their oral health care needs, and become true partners with our practice in making treatment decisions. If you’re interested in finding out more about our dental services, patient education, or the mouth-body connection, call our Colorado Springs dental practice to schedule a consultation today. We look forward to seeing you smile.

Maintaining Good Dental Health at Every Stage of Life is Important

September 8, 2015

woman brushing teeth to maintain good dental health for lifeGood dental health breeds great overall health. Did you know your oral health and overall health are closely linked? When one is suffering, the other usually follows. It’s imperative that you maintain good dental health throughout your life. It can keep you out of the dental chair and instead out enjoying life. It isn’t difficult to maintain good dental health, all it takes is dedication. There are many things you can do at home to keep your oral health operating at maximum efficiency. In addition, our general dentistry services can gives us a clearer picture as to what’s going on in your mouth and how best to improve all aspects of your oral health.

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