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How Regular Dental Visits Help You Save Money

March 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — e_anderson @ 9:19 pm
tooth model next to stacked coins against light background

As a thrifty, frugal individual, you may always be on the lookout for ways to save money. That’s certainly wise, but on your quest to keep a reasonable budget, it is important that you avoid saving money in the short-term only to get stuck with a huge bill later on. That’s exactly what might happen if you neglect regular visits to your dentist. Let’s discuss how routine dental care can benefit your pocketbook as much as it benefits your oral health.


Are Some People More Prone to Cavities Than Others?

February 18, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — e_anderson @ 5:12 pm
woman holding giant cupcake and tooth

Perhaps you are diligent about oral hygiene. You brush your teeth twice a day, you floss regularly, and you visit your dentist for routine checkups. Despite all of your efforts, however, you might find that you still end up with new cavities. Are you doing something wrong, or are genetics to blame? To understand the answer to that question, let’s talk about what causes cavities and how you can protect your smile even if you seem to be more prone to dental decay than others.


Need a New Dentist? Here’s What to Look For

February 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — e_anderson @ 5:09 pm
looking at dental website

“I need a new dentist.” Have you recently said those words? Perhaps you are new to an area, or maybe your former dentist did something that disappointed you. Whatever your reasons for searching for a new oral healthcare provider, you might find the task in front of you to be a little daunting. How can you find the right dentist for you? Here is a brief checklist to help you settle on someone who will give your smile — and the rest of you — the care you deserve.


Why Does My Tooth Hurt? Top 10 Reasons for a Toothache

January 27, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — e_anderson @ 10:09 pm
man with toothache

“Why does my tooth hurt?” The answer to that question can either be simple or complicated. It can either mean that your toothache is nothing to worry about or that you need emergency dental care. To help you better understand toothaches, a dentist in Colorado Springs has put together the following list of common causes of tooth pain.


6 BIG Reasons Why You Should Regularly Visit Your Dentist

January 14, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — e_anderson @ 10:14 pm
dentist appointment on calendar

You want to live a full, healthy life. That is why you try to eat a balanced diet, see your doctor for your annual checkup, and stay physically active. But is it possible that your self-care routine is missing a key element? Lots of people neglect regular visits to their dentist. Let’s discuss six big reasons why you should never let more than six months go by without scheduling a dentist appointment with your local oral health professional.


Can My Physical Health Have an Impact on My Oral Health?

December 31, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — e_anderson @ 8:25 pm
health check clipboard

Your mouth is a gateway to the rest of your body, so it stands to reason that what happens inside it can affect your overall health. But is the reverse also true? Have you ever wondered, “Can my physical health have an impact on my oral health?” The answer to that question is a definite yes! Let’s discuss a few ways in which your overall wellness can affect your teeth and gums.


4 Tips to Maintain a Healthy Mouth During Your Year-End Travels

December 15, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — e_anderson @ 8:20 pm
smiling couple dressed in winter clothes

The end of the year is a busy but festive time for most people. You may have plans to visit family members or take a much-needed vacation. You could be arranging parties, doing lots of shopping, and so much more. During this fast-paced time of year, it could become all too easy to make mistakes that put your oral health at risk. Here are a few travel tips from a dentist to help you keep your smile healthy while you enjoy all that this special season has to offer.


5 Flu Season Tips to Protect Your Smile This Fall and Winter

November 30, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — e_anderson @ 8:49 pm
woman with flu

When cold and flu season begins, you may think a lot about what you can do to stop yourself from getting sick. You might get a flu shot, start sanitizing your surroundings like crazy, and decline handshakes with anyone who sniffles. But, despite all of your efforts, you still might catch a bug. If that happens, not only will you feel icky, but your teeth will also be in danger! Here are some flu season tips to help you protect your smile even when you are feeling under the weather.


Ouch! Why Do I have Sensitive Teeth?

November 15, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — e_anderson @ 8:47 pm
woman with sensitive teeth

A tall glass of ice water, a steaming hot cup of coffee, and your favorite wintertime soup may all be refreshing treats in themselves — but what if you cannot enjoy them because of your sensitive teeth? If hot and cold temperatures make your teeth ache, the problem may be a minor issue that is relatively easy to manage. But it is also possible that you are headed for a dental emergency. Let’s discuss what causes sensitive teeth and how your dentist can help you find relief.


Trick or Treat! 4 Tips to Remember When Preparing to Eat Halloween Candy

October 31, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — e_anderson @ 2:07 pm
a bucket of Halloween candy

Admit it: you love your child’s Halloween treats just as much as they do. The moment you return to your home, you can’t wait to spill out the contents of the bucket and enjoy a few small pieces of sugary goodness. If you stick to eating it in moderation, you’ll likely be fine; however, the moment you realize you’ve demolished half the bucket, you and your teeth might be in trouble. Before the day arrives for your child to put on their costume and make their rounds around the neighborhood, here are 4 useful Halloween candy tips to remember when you get back home.

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