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Snoring and Sleep Apnea: What’s the Difference?

July 14, 2016

Filed under: Sleep Apnea Therapy — Tags: , , , — e_anderson @ 3:26 pm

sleep apnea in colorado springsIs your chronic snoring the result of sleep apnea? Not necessarily. It’s estimated that 50 percent of adults snore, but less than half of those people are affected by sleep apnea. So while every obstructive sleep apnea sufferer snores, not all sufferers have sleep apnea. (Kind of like how every square is a rectangle, but not every rectangle is a square.) Let’s take a look at the connection between snoring and sleep apnea in Colorado Springs to help you determine what’s causing your interrupted sleep.


Sleep Apnea Therapy in Colorado Springs

January 2, 2016

sleep apneaGood morning! It’s wonderful to wake up refreshed and ready for the day after a good night’s sleep. What’s that you say? You can’t remember the last time you slept well. And neither can the person who sleeps one pillow over from you. If your snoring is keeping both of you up at night, then perhaps the problem is more than that disturbing sound. Snoring is a chief symptom of sleep apnea, a health condition that affects more than 12 million Americans. In Colorado Springs, sleep apnea treatment is available at Anderson Family Dental. With either an oral appliance or CPAP machine, Dr. Anderson can help you and your partner once again enjoy a restful night of sleep.