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Dentist Recommends Porcelain Veneers For Straightening!

October 15, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — e_anderson @ 6:13 pm

Some people just can’t imagine having metal braces as an adult. You have to uphold a professional image at work, feel confident around your peers, and change your whole dental routine? That’s just not reasonable.

If you’re one of those people that will do anything to straighten their teeth but rely on traditional brackets and wires, you can rest assured that there’s an option for you: porcelain veneers.


Avoid These Foods or Else Get Professional Teeth Whitening

October 2, 2017

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry,Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:59 am

Believe it or not, when your dentist looks into your mouth, we can tell what foods and drinks you love the most. How? By the color of your teeth!

Of course, the shades of your teeth will change over time, especially if they’re exposed to these things that made our list. Your dentist is here to will these staining factors and even help you reverse them if you visit your local office for teeth whitening!
